
Steal Her Style-Fashion Sexy lingerie Create the perfect woman

Singer Nicki Minaj is mainly known for her colorful and crazy side, always seen in wigs and eccentric makeup.  But the songstress is showing off her sexier side via Instagram this week.  Minaj didn't reveal too many details about the pictures, simply giving credit to the designers and her stylist and captioning them "behind the scenes".   You can Steal Her Style by throwing together a similar look thanks to some sexy Lingerie Diva items.

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February is National Heart Month,the number one killer in women. as the American Heart Association helps to raise awareness of heart disease,   In the United States, heart disease claims more lives each year than all forms of cancer combined.  On Friday, February 7th, it's "National Wear Red Day", where everyone, men and women alike, are encouraged to wear red to help raise awareness.  In honor of that, we selected our favorite red items you can wear in the bedroom, right before you do your 30 minutes of heart healthy activity (sex!).
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